Abstract Number: 1398 • ACR Convergence 2020
The Isolated Nucleolar Pattern ANA Antibody in a Systemic Sclerosis Patient Cohort
Background/Purpose: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) patients with an isolated nucleolar patterned ANA (NUC ANA) make up about 15% of the SSc population, although the specific nucleolar…Abstract Number: 1802 • ACR Convergence 2020
Vitamin D Level: Predictor of SLE Disease Activity in AA Cohort with CLE?
Background/Purpose: There are few predominant African American (AA) epidemiological studies in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (CLE). The Gilliam classification divides CLE into lupus specific, acute cutaneous…Abstract Number: 0559 • ACR Convergence 2020
Low Frequency of ANA/DFS70 Pattern Positive Result in a Large Cohort of Autoimmune/autoinflammatory Diseases Compared with First Degree Relatives and Healthy Controls Evaluated in a Single Hospital from Colombia
Background/Purpose: Autoimmune systemic rheumatic disease (SARD) diagnostic approach is complex and recently there are some diagnostic tools to rule-out autoimmune disease diagnoses. ANAS/DFS70 antibodies have…Abstract Number: 1059 • ACR Convergence 2020
Anti-mitochondrial Autoantibodies Are Associated with Cardiomyopathy, Dysphagia, and Features of More Severe Disease in Adult-onset Myositis
Background/Purpose: We examined the prevalence of anti-mitochondrial autoantibodies (AMA) in adult- and juvenile-onset myositis longitudinal cohorts and investigated phenotypic differences between myositis patients with or…Abstract Number: 1413 • ACR Convergence 2020
An Imbalance Between Regulatory and Inflammatory T Cell Subsets Distinguishes Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Disease Patients from Asymptomatic ANA+ Individuals
Background/Purpose: The anti-nuclear antibody (ANA)-associated systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs) are characterized by a prolonged preclinical phase in which ANAs are produced in the absence…Abstract Number: 1803 • ACR Convergence 2020
Ability of Innate, Adaptive, and TNF-Superfamily Immune Pathways to Characterize Disease Activity and Inform a Refined Lupus Disease Activity Immune in a Confirmatory Cohort of SLE Patients
Background/Purpose: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease driven by complex immune dysregulation, involving altered immune mediators and accumulation of autoantibody (AutoAb) specificities.…Abstract Number: 0586 • ACR Convergence 2020
Performance Characteristics of ANA by Elisa and Immunofluorescence
Background/Purpose: The ANA is a critical test in the evaluation of patients with suspected lupus and other connective tissue diseases. Clinical laboratories have relied increasingly…Abstract Number: 1064 • ACR Convergence 2020
Anti-SMN Autoantibodies Are Associated with Systemic Sclerosis Small Bowel Involvement in anti-U1RNP Positive Autoimmune Myositis
Background/Purpose: The survival of motor neuron (SMN)/gemin proteins are components of a multifunctional protein complex that plays an essential role in RNA metabolism. SMN is…Abstract Number: 1415 • ACR Convergence 2020
Murine Roseolovirus Induces Autoimmune Disease and Development of Autoreactive T Cells and Autoantibodies
Background/Purpose: Murine roseolovirus (MRV) is a recently sequenced beta-herpesvirus that is a natural murine pathogen and is genetically highly related to HHV6 and HHV7. The…Abstract Number: 1818 • ACR Convergence 2020
IgG and IgA Autoantibodies Against L1 ORF1p Expressed in Granulocytes Correlate with Granulocyte Consumption and Disease Activity in Pediatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Background/Purpose: To quantitate autoantibodies against the RNA-binding p40 (ORF1p) protein encoded by the L1 retroelement, expression of p40 itself, and markers of neutrophil death in…Abstract Number: 0761 • ACR Convergence 2020
Anti-Peptidylarginine Deaminase Antibodies in the Individuals with Arthralgia at Risk of Progression to Rheumatoid Arthritis
Background/Purpose: In order to identify the individuals at risk of imminent progression to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), EULAR has established a definition of clinically suspect arthralgia…Abstract Number: 1068 • ACR Convergence 2020
Efficacy of Early Initiation of Plasma Exchange Therapy for a Patient with Anti-MDA5 Autoantibody-Positive Dermatomyositis Developing Refractory Rapidly Progressive Interstitial Lung Disease
Background/Purpose: Dermatomyositis (DM), and particularly the subtype clinically amyopathic DM (CADM), is often associated with fatal rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease (RP-ILD) when anti-melanoma differentiation-associated…Abstract Number: 1445 • ACR Convergence 2020
Citrulline Reactive B Cells Are Present in the Lungs of Risk RA and Early Untreated RA
Background/Purpose: Structural changes, increased tissue citrullination, signs of local inflammation and anti-citrullinated protein autoantibodies (ACPA) are present in the pulmonary compartment of early untreated seropositive…Abstract Number: 1830 • ACR Convergence 2020
Adverse Drug Reactions to Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole as a Prophylactic Agent Against Pneumocystis Pneumonia in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: anti-Sm Antibody as a Possible Risk Factor
Background/Purpose: Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a life-threatening infection in immunocompromised patients, including those with connective tissue diseases (CTDs), treated with corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole…Abstract Number: 0767 • ACR Convergence 2020
Anti-acetylated Protein Antibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Clues for the Starting Point of Autoantibody Responses in RA
Background/Purpose: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by autoantibodies such as rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-modified protein autoantibodies (AMPAs) like anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and anti-carbamylated…