Abstract Number: 1277 • ACR Convergence 2022
Improving Patient Appropriate Osteoporosis Screening with Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Scans in an Academic Internal Medicine Practice
Background/Purpose: Nearly 53.6 million people in America have osteoporosis with increasing incidence each year (Brauer, JAMA 2009). Almost 25% of people with a hip fracture…Abstract Number: 1138 • ACR Convergence 2021
Assessing Trends in Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Utilization Among Medical Providers in the United States
Background/Purpose: The twenty first century has seen falling reimbursement rates for dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) testing coupled with a rising elderly population in the…Abstract Number: 1140 • ACR Convergence 2021
Fracture Risk in DXA-Appropriate Patients on Glucocorticoids: Is Everyone Tested According to Screening Guidelines?
Background/Purpose: Glucocorticoids are commonly prescribed for a multitude of indications, yet have many side effects, one of which is glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis (GIOP). The 2017…Abstract Number: 1146 • ACR Convergence 2021
Study of Vertebral and Femur Fracture Prevalence and Scanographic Bone Attenuation Coefficient of the First Lumbar Vertebra in an Academic Hospital Setting
Background/Purpose: Patients with osteoporosis are prone to suffer fragility fractures leading to an increased risk of future fractures. Detection of osteoporosis has been led by…Abstract Number: 1147 • ACR Convergence 2021
Therapeutic Inertia and Low Patient Compliance: Major Contributors to Low Treatment Rates in Patients with Osteoporosis with Clinical Vertebral Compression Fractures
Background/Purpose: Treatment rates with pharmacologic therapy after osteoporotic vertebral fracture are very low in the United States. Underlying causes of these low treatment rates are…Abstract Number: 1859 • ACR Convergence 2021
Bone Mineral Density in Patients Diagnosed with Giant Cell Arteritis Taking Glucocorticoids: A Case-control Study
Background/Purpose: The standard treatment for Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is high dose glucocorticoid (GC). It is unknown whether steroids are more detrimental to the spine…Abstract Number: 0108 • ACR Convergence 2020
The Relationship Between Body Fat Percentage and Bone Mineral Density in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Background/Purpose: Currently, Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) scans are used to determine fracture risk by calculating Bone Mineral Density (BMD). It is well established that body…Abstract Number: 0109 • ACR Convergence 2020
Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis: Are We Practicing Prevention?
Background/Purpose: Descriptive study designed to assess compliance to evidence-based practice guidelines for the prevention of Glucocorticoid-Induced Osteoporosis (GIOP).Methods: We queried the electronic database of the…Abstract Number: 0114 • ACR Convergence 2020
Incidence of Follow-Up Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry Scanner Error: A Contributor to Precision Error
Background/Purpose: Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone tissue microarchitecture. This leads to reduced bone density and quality and is a significant contributor to morbidity, mortality,…Abstract Number: 0115 • ACR Convergence 2020
Improving Osteoporosis Screening in Men at a Resident-run Primary Care Clinic: A Quality Improvement Project
Background/Purpose: There are known indications for osteoporosis screening in women. However, osteoporosis also occurs in men and fragility fractures are linked to increased morbidity and…Abstract Number: 0119 • ACR Convergence 2020
Fracture Liaison Service at an Academic Center with an Open Health System: 30-month Outcomes
Background/Purpose: Osteoporosis causes significant morbidity, mortality and healthcare burden. There continues to be a care gap in osteoporosis recognition, treatment and prevention. Several healthcare systems…Abstract Number: 0533 • ACR Convergence 2020
Characterization of Older Male Patients with a Fragility Fracture
Background/Purpose: Osteoporosis is associated with significant burden in terms of adverse patient outcomes, mortality, and cost; and is particularly common in the older Medicare population.…Abstract Number: 1256 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
A Customized Health Information Technology Effectively Identifies and Directs Bone Health Services in Rural Veterans with Osteoporosis Risk Factors
Background/Purpose: Osteoporosis is underdiagnosed and undertreated in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), especially in rural Veterans. Tools to identify risk factors in Veterans are available.…Abstract Number: 2964 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Detection of Uric Acid Crystals in the Vasculature of Patients with Gout Using Dual-Energy Computed Tomography
Background/Purpose: Many recent studies have shown an association between gout and increased cardiovascular risk, however the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. Dual-Energy Computed…Abstract Number: 1222 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Bone Mineral Density : Observational Study of 110 Patients Followed up in a Specialised Centre for the Treatment of Obesity in France
Background/Purpose: Bariatric surgery is used to treat severe obesity. We aimed to investigate the incidence of significant bone mineral density (BMD) loss at 6 and…