Abstract Number: 037 • 2020 Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium
Improving Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates in Immunosuppressed Rheumatology Patients
Background/Purpose: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends pneumococcal vaccination of high-risk patients, including patients on iatrogenic immunosuppression. Many patients seen in the rheumatology…Abstract Number: 052 • 2020 Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium
Nasopharyngeal Pneumococcus Colonization in Patients with Childhood Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (cSLE) Compared to Healthy Controls
Background/Purpose: Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) may lead to severe life-threatening infections in both the general and immunocompromised population. Patients diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)…Abstract Number: 180 • 2020 Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium
Influenza Knowledge and Barriers to Vaccination in Immunosuppressed Patients in the Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic
Background/Purpose: Many pediatric rheumatology patients are at increased risk of influenza due to immunosuppressive medication use. Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all children by…Abstract Number: 192 • 2020 Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium
Single Center Consensus of Prophylactic Treatment in Immunocompromised Children with Rheumatic Disease
Background/Purpose: Many children with rheumatic diseases require immunosuppressive treatments, however these medications put them at risk for contracting opportunistic infections leading to severe morbidity and…Abstract Number: 668 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Lack of Uptake of Prophylactic Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccination Among Women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) in the Detroit, MI Area, a High Risk Population
Background/Purpose: Women with SLE are at increased risk for cervical neoplasia likely because of infection with high risk (HR) HPV and thus should be considered…Abstract Number: 762 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Are There Any Identifiable Triggers in Polymyalgia Rheumatica? A Matched-Control Study
Background/Purpose: As many other rheumatologic diseases, pathogenesis of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) isnot well understood. Genetic factors seem to play a role. Some studies have suggested…Abstract Number: 824 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Safety of the Live Varicella Vaccine in TNF-Treated Patients
Background/Purpose: There has been minimal evaluation of the safety of live virus vaccines in patients receiving biologic therapies who may be immunocompromised. The Varicella Zoster…Abstract Number: 1198 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Practice Based Education Program to Increase Vaccination Rate in Patients on Immunotherapeutic Agents
Background/Purpose: Immunosuppressive agents have changed the course of debilitating autoimmune conditions. Despite their advantages, these agents come with risk of vaccine preventable infections.1 Multiple organizations recommend…Abstract Number: 1800 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Safety and Humoral Immunogenicity to Herpes Zoster Vaccine in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis (interim Analysis)
Background/Purpose: To evaluate the safety and humoral immunogenicity of a live attenuated herpes zoster (HZ) vaccine in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) compared with healthy…Abstract Number: 1863 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Improving Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates in High Risk Rheumatology Patients
Background/Purpose: To improve Pneumococcal Vaccination rates in high risk Rheumatology patients on immunosuppressive therapy.Methods: The study was a quality improvement project based on the pre-post-intervention…Abstract Number: 2091 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
The High Dose Influenza Vaccine Increases Immune Protection in Both Adults and Elderly Seropositive RA Patients
Background/Purpose: The high dose trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (HD-TIV) contains four times the antigen dose per strain of the standard-dose inactivated influenza vaccines. HD-TIV is…Abstract Number: 2094 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Evaluation of Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Rate in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthritis, and the Attitudes of Rheumatologists About Vaccination
Background/Purpose: Patients with inflammatory arthritis have increased risk of infections which may lead to morbidity and mortality. Some of those infections could be prevented by…Abstract Number: 2095 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
A Quality Improvement Intervention to Improve Influenza and Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates in Immunosuppressed Inflammatory Arthritis Outpatients
Background/Purpose: The ACR and CDC recommend influenza (“flu”) and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV23) vaccination for inflammatory arthritis (IA) patients on immunosuppression. This study aimed to:…Abstract Number: 2096 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
An Intervention Bundle Increases Uptake of Influenza Vaccine by Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
Background/Purpose: Annual vaccination with inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended for adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Despite this, influenza immunization coverage…Abstract Number: 2258 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Causes of Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Adults with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Vaccine hesitancy -the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines- is one of the threats to global health set by the…