Abstract Number: 2515 • 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting
Disease Activity Influences Cardiovascular Risk Reclassification Based on Carotid Ultrasound in Patients with Psoriatic Artrhitis
Background/Purpose: Objectives. The addition of carotid ultrasound CU into composite cardiovascular risk (CVR) scores has been found useful in the identification of high CVR in…Abstract Number: 679 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Ultrasonographic Research of the Relationship between Nail Disorders and Peripheral Arthritis or Enthesitis in Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Although skin lesion is the most typical findings in patients with psoriasis (PsO), nail psoriasis is also one of the important clinical manifestation. Moreover,…Abstract Number: 1209 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Peritenon Extensor Tendon Inflammation, Synovitis and Enthesopathy in Psoriastic Arthritis: What Is the Connection?
Background/Purpose: Metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPj) swelling in Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) can be produced both by synovitis (IAS) and peritenon extensor tendon inflammation (PTI), having been this…Abstract Number: 1614 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Prevalence of Sonographic Enthesitis in Patients with Psoriasis without Arthritis and Its Association Risk Factors of Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Enthesitis is one of the hallmarks of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and may be the initial site of musculoskeletal inflammation. Enthesitis affects up to 50…Abstract Number: 633 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Improvement of Joint Inflammation As Assessed By MRI and Power Doppler Ultrasound (PDUS) in an Open Label Study in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Secukinumab.
Background/Purpose: Secukinumab, an anti-interleukin 17A monoclonal antibody, showed significant improvement of signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in phase 3 studies. Available studies used…Abstract Number: 638 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Are There Clinical Demographic or Subclinical Ultrasonographic Data That Can Predict Flare in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients during a Phase of Minimal Disease Activity after Spacing of Anti-TNF Blockers Injections?
Background/Purpose: Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-blocker tapering has been proposed for patients with psoriatic arthritis (PA) in clinical remission. To evaluate if there are clinical, demographic…Abstract Number: 639 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Clinical and Sonographic Analysis of Patients with Psoriasis without Musculoskeletal Complaints. Preeliminary Results of a Prospective Study: The PRE-Psa Cohort
Background/Purpose: Early diagnosis in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is mandatory in order to initiate early therapy and prevent disability. Around 20% of patients with Psoriasis (PsO)…Abstract Number: 2527 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Increased Prevalence of Subclinical Atherosclerosis in Moderate-Severe Plaque Psoriasis Patients
Background/Purpose: Surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular (CV) mortality such as carotid plaques (CP), arterial stiffness (AS) and carotid intima-media thickness (c-IMT), have been…Abstract Number: 2727 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Evaluating Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis Skin Lesions: Ultrasound As a Complementary Measure
Background/Purpose: The diagnosis and assessment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and psoriasis (PsO) lesions are mostly done by visual inspection, and when in doubt, supplemented by…Abstract Number: 3097 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Osteoclast Precursor Frequency and Imaging Findings Associated with Arthritis Onset in a Psoriasis Longitudinal Cohort
Background/Purpose: Psoriasis (Ps) precedes joint inflammation by an average of 10 years psoriatic arthritis (PsA) patients. Reports have demonstrated abnormal musculoskeletal imaging findings in psoriasis…Abstract Number: 3100 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Can Achieving Sustained Minimal Disease Activity (MDA) Prevent Progression of Subclinical Atherosclerosis? a Prospective Cohort Study in Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Patients with PsA were reported to have a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and subclinical carotid atherosclerosis due to underlying inflammation. Minimal disease…Abstract Number: 3161 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
The Association Between HLA Genetic Susceptibility Markers and Sonographic Enthesitis in Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Enthesitis is an important pathophysiologic component in psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Ultrasound is emerging as an optimal method to evaluate enthesitis. HLA genes are implicated…Abstract Number: 173 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
The Automated Software-Guided Ultrasound Assessment of Bilateral Common Carotids Intima-Media Thickness for Investigation of Cardiovascular Risk in Psoriasis:Comparison Between Patients with or without Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Recent studies have shown the relationship between psoriasis (Ps) and subclinical atherosclerosis (athero). Currently, a new automated ultrasound software, based on radio frequency, called…Abstract Number: 1718 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Entheseal Abnormalities and Nail Involvement at the Distal Interphalangeal Joints on Ultrasound Examination in Patients with Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. Could the Nail-Enthesitis Theory be Supported?
Background/Purpose: It has been shown that nail involvement in psoriasis is associated with systemic enthesopathy. The association of enthesopathy and nail disease at distal…Abstract Number: 3209 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Utility of Power Doppler Ultrasound-Detected Synovitis for the Prediction of Short Term Flare in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients in Clinical Remission
Background/Purpose: Ultrasound has been shown to detect subclinical synovitis in in rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis (PsA in clinical remission.). The value of power Doppler…