Abstract Number: 0761 • ACR Convergence 2022
Identification of Outcome Domains in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Inflammatory Arthritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica: A Scoping Review by the OMERACT IrAE Working Group
Background/Purpose: Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), increasingly used cancer therapeutics, can cause off-target inflammatory effects called immune-related adverse events (irAEs), including ICI-induced inflammatory arthritis (ICI-induced IA)…Abstract Number: 0906 • ACR Convergence 2022
Patients with Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis Have a Different Ultrasound-assessed Joint Disease Phenotype Than Seropositive Patients
Background/Purpose: Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis (SNRA) tends to be less severe in its presentation and evolution than seropositive rheumatoid arthritis(SPRA), but controversy exists because there have…Abstract Number: 1254 • ACR Convergence 2022
Ultra High‐Frequency Ultrasound of Labial Salivary Glands in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: A Promising Tool to Identify Lymphoproliferative Lesions in Unusual Sites
Background/Purpose: Major salivary gland (MSG) ultrasound (US) is a useful tool in Sjögren's syndrome (SS) diagnostic work-up. Interestingly, in a recent case series, specific US…Abstract Number: 2079 • ACR Convergence 2022
Survey to Prioritize and Generate Domains in Preparation to Update the OMERACT Core Domain Set for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Background/Purpose: The development of a Core Outcome domain Set (COS) can aid research communication and standardizing measurement tools of SLE. A COS captures SLE facets…Abstract Number: 2141 • ACR Convergence 2022
How Well Does Ultrasound-assessed Synovitis in Reduced Joint Sets Predict the Response to Secukinumab in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis and Inadequate Response to Conventional DMARDs? – Exploratory Results from a Phase 3b Study
Background/Purpose: Power Doppler ultrasound (PDUS) allows the visualization of morphological and inflammatory changes of the synovium. The ULTIMATE study (NCT02662985) was the first large, randomized,…Abstract Number: 2208 • ACR Convergence 2022
Diagnostic Performance of Hip Ultrasound in Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease
Background/Purpose: Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (CPPD) is a chronic and potentially incapacitating disease. The reference standard for its diagnosis is the identification of calcium pyrophosphate…Abstract Number: 0200 • ACR Convergence 2022
Should Independence Play a Role in Assessing Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Background/Purpose: The current goal of treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is clinical remission, which according to the ACR/EULAR 2011 definition, is based on tender and…Abstract Number: 0217 • ACR Convergence 2022
Where Are the Reporting Guidelines in Rheumatology? An Analysis of Their Use in over 850 Published Manuscripts
Background/Purpose: EQUATOR-related reporting guidelines such as CONSORT, STROBE, and PRISMA have been said to promote clearer reporting of methods and results of a research manuscript…Abstract Number: 0726 • ACR Convergence 2021
Joint Safety of Tanezumab versus NSAIDs; A Combined Assessment of Benefit and Harm
Background/Purpose: Tanezumab, a monoclonal antibody against nerve growth factor, is in development for the relief of signs and symptoms of moderate to severe osteoarthritis (OA)…Abstract Number: 1358 • ACR Convergence 2021
Clusters of Psoriatic Arthritis Patients at Baseline Based on Different Ultrasound Detected Synovitis: Exploratory Analysis from a Phase III Study
Background/Purpose: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is characterized by inflammation of synovial membranes and entheseal sites leading to pain, structural damage, impairment of physical function and quality…Abstract Number: 1582 • ACR Convergence 2021
Diagnostic Accuracy and Reliability of Conventional Radiography of the Knee in Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease by Using New Definitions: An Ancillary Study of the OMERACT Ultrasound – CPPD Group
Background/Purpose: Conventional Radiography (CR) has been widely used in Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition Disease (CPPD) and is considered an important tool for the diagnosis. However, there…Abstract Number: 1583 • ACR Convergence 2021
Creation of an Ultrasonographic Scoring System for CPPD Extent: Results from a Delphi Process by the OMERACT US Working Group – CPPD Subgroup
Background/Purpose: Ultrasound (US) has proven to be an excellent technique for detecting Calcium Pyrophosphate (CPP) deposits, however there are no grading systems that allow for…Abstract Number: 0921 • ACR Convergence 2020
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis – A Psychometric and Factor Analysis in a Monocentric Cohort
Background/Purpose: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) is a screening tool used in patients with different medical conditions. However, its validity, reliability and responsiveness…Abstract Number: 1251 • ACR Convergence 2020
Assessing the Construct Validity of the Novel OMERACT Ultrasound Scoring System for Salivary Glands Target Lesions by Comparison with MRI in Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome – An OMERACT Ultrasound Working Group Exercise
Background/Purpose: Imaging techniques such as salivary gland ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are able to diagnose primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS) patients with high sensitivity…Abstract Number: 1252 • ACR Convergence 2020
Ultrasound-guided Parotid Gland Biopsy in Cadavers Performed by Rheumatologists – an OMERACT Ultrasound Working Group Study
Background/Purpose: With the diagnostic capability of the parotid gland biopsy similar to minor salivary gland biopsy in Sjögren’s syndrome, the parotid gland biopsy may also…