Abstract Number: 1191 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Validity Evidence for Two Objective Structured Clinical Examination Stations to Assess Core Examination Skills of the Shoulder and Knee
Validity Evidence for 2 Objective Structured Clinical Examination Stations to Assess Core Examination Skills of the Shoulder and Knee Background/Purpose: A multi-disciplinary group developed…Abstract Number: 2080 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Teaching Fellows in Lupus: Rheumatology Fellows Are Successful Educators in Improving Lupus Recognition By Frontline Healthcare Providers
Background/Purpose: The heterogeneity and non-specific features of lupus may delay diagnosis. This delay can lead to accrual of organ damage and an increased risk of…Abstract Number: 2220 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Appropriate Investigations and Costs in Rheumatology: Residents’ Attitudes and Knowledge
Background/Purpose: With the launching of the Choosing Wisely campaign, there has been a growing emphasis in the medical community on addressing unnecessary tests and procedures…Abstract Number: 2221 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Engaging Learners in Lupus Education with Pivot (Practice Improvement using Virtual Online Training), a Novel, Digital Case-Based Curriculum
Background/Purpose: Lupus is one of the prototypic rheumatic diseases, yet only a small amount of time in medical school curricula is devoted to lupus-specific education.…Abstract Number: 2227 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Resident’s Guide to Pediatric Rheumatology Mobile App: Assessing Enablers and Barriers of Use through Qualitative Focus Groups
Background/Purpose: A Resident’s Guide to Pediatric Rheumatology (the Guide) is currently used by trainees as an on-the-go learning and teaching resource. Research using the Technology…Abstract Number: 2230 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Teaching the Teachers: Report of an Effective Mixed-Method Course Training Clinical Educators to Provide Instruction in Musculoskeletal Care to Other Providers and Learners in Primary Care
Background/Purpose: The Veterans Affairs (VA) SimLEARN National Simulation Center, in collaboration with VA Salt Lake City, is developing a continuous professional education (CPE) program in…Abstract Number: 3234 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Roadblocks Perceived By Canadian Dermatologists for Referring Patients with Suspected Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: The current system of referral by Canadian dermatologists of patients who may have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) to rheumatologists is suboptimal. Hypothesizing that knowledge level,…Abstract Number: 1009 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Promoting Professional Development of Medical Educators in Rheumatology: Perspectives of Clinician Scholar Educators
Background/Purpose: Recognizing the importance of supporting educators to improve patient care, the Rheumatology Research Foundation (RRF) offers competitive awards for Clinician Scholar Educators (CSE) in…Abstract Number: 1010 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Differing Perspectives Between Doctor, Nurse and Patient Views on Professionalism and Empathy: An Inter-Professional 360-Degree Rheumatology Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Background/Purpose: The New York City Rheumatology Objective Self Assessment Clinical Exam (NYC-ROSCE) annually assesses 1st and 2nd year fellow competencies in areas such as professionalism…Abstract Number: 1179 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
An Evidence-Based Analysis and Revision of a Pediatric Rheumatology Academic Half-Day Program
Background/Purpose: The pediatric rheumatology (PR) academic half-day (AHD) is a weekly 2-hour block of protected time in our training program for trainees to discuss topics…Abstract Number: 1180 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Effective Knowledge Transfer: A Demonstration of Video Illustration in the Immunology Curriculum for Rheumatology Trainees
Background/Purpose: A proper foundation in immunology is essential for the understanding and management of rheumatic conditions. An effective immunology curriculum is required for rheumatology trainees…Abstract Number: 1182 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Rheumatology Training Experience – European Survey Among Rheumatology Trainees & Newly Qualified Specialists
Background/Purpose: To describe the confidence and training experience acquired during rheumatology training in 21 core competences across the different European countries. Methods: As part of…Abstract Number: 1183 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
The Country Where You Perform Your Rheumatology Training Is Associated with the Acquired Confidence, the Education Received and the Assessment in Core Competences
Background/Purpose: To assess the association between the country where rheumatology training takes place and the acquired confidence, exposure to education, practical experience and competence assessments…Abstract Number: 1187 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Exam Curriculum for Rheumatology Fellows
Background/Purpose: The musculoskeletal exam (MSKE) is an integral part of rheumatology training, both as a diagnostic aid, and as a predictor of disease activity. Formal…Abstract Number: 2885 • 2014 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Clinical Training Opportunities in Two Innovative Ambulatory Resources: The Primary Care Musculoskeletal Clinic and Center of Excellence Multidisciplinary Clinic
Background/Purpose While musculoskeletal (MSK) problems are common in primary care, current training models do not adequately prepare primary care providers (PCP) to deal with these…