Abstract Number: 067 • 2023 Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium
Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of Children with Anti-NMDAR Encephalitis
Background/Purpose: The discovery of anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis heralded a new class of neuropsychiatric illnesses mediated by autoantibodies, known collectively as autoimmune encephalitis. The clinical…Abstract Number: 0665 • ACR Convergence 2022
Screening for Neurocognitive Demands in Childhood-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients Using Pediatric Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics and Association with Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Background/Purpose: Neuropsychiatric manifestations are frequently seen in patients with childhood-onset erythematosus (cSLE) and may include neurocognitive dysfunction. These symptoms are difficult to diagnose and classify…Abstract Number: 1228 • ACR Convergence 2022
Distinctive Alterations in the Functional Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex in Pain-sensitized Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia Patients
Background/Purpose: Fibromyalgia is a primary pain sensitization disorder showing augmented pain sensitivity with no apparent origin. In contrast, secondary sensitization often occurs in knee osteoarthritis…Abstract Number: 1236 • ACR Convergence 2022
Reduced Inflammation Following 4-weeks TNF-α Inhibitor Treatment Restore Aberrant Cerebral Pain Processing in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled fMRI Study
Background/Purpose: The purpose with this study was to investigate whether the effects of a 4-week treatment with adalimumab (Humira™) could change previously reported aberrations in…Abstract Number: 1918 • ACR Convergence 2022
Neurobiological Mechanisms of a Remote-Delivered Mind-body Intervention for Knee Osteoarthritis
Background/Purpose: As a recommended intervention for knee Osteoarthritis (OA) according to current guidelines, Tai Chi, a multi-dimensional exercise has exhibited clinically significant improvements in knee…Abstract Number: 2074 • ACR Convergence 2022
Poor Executive Function Correlates with Increased Disease Damage and Impaired Patient-Reported Outcomes in Youth with Childhood-Onset Lupus: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background/Purpose: Cognitive dysfunction affects up to 60% of youth with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE), particularly executive dysfunction (ED), with adverse effects on treatment adherence,…Abstract Number: 2256 • ACR Convergence 2022
Increased Brain Functional Connectivity to the Insula Is Associated with Nociplastic Pain in Psoriatic Arthritis
Background/Purpose: Pain is a hallmark feature of psoriatic arthritis (PsA); however, its apparent multi-factorial nature makes it difficult for rheumatologists to assess and manage. Clinically,…Abstract Number: 0164 • ACR Convergence 2021
Disrupted Executive Control Network Structural-Functional Integration Is Associated with Inferior Performance of Cognitive Switching Tasks in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Background/Purpose: Cognitive flexibility, a process that enables goal-oriented cognitive switching between mental function modes, is central to executive function which is impaired in SLE patients.…Abstract Number: 0456 • ACR Convergence 2021
Functional Connectivity, Enhanced Blood-Brain Barrier Leakage and Cognitive Impairment in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Background/Purpose: Cognitive impairment is the most frequent manifestation of neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE), yet the mechanisms underlying it remain poorly understood. We have previously…Abstract Number: 0870 • ACR Convergence 2021
Blood Brain Barrier Integrity and Brain Imaging Patterns in Patients with SLE
Background/Purpose: The pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE) has not been fully elucidated. Recent evidence suggests impaired blood brain barrier (BBB) integrity as a possible mechanism…Abstract Number: 1750 • ACR Convergence 2020
Longitudinal Change in the Central Nervous System Pain Response After Treatment with Certolizumab or Placebo. a Post-hoc Analysis from the Pre-CEPRA Trial
Background/Purpose: Biologicals - bring a hope of recovery or amelioration to people suffering from RA, but only half of the patients respond to such treatment.…Abstract Number: PP07 • ACR Convergence 2020
Improving Communication with My Physician Drastically Improved My Health
Background/Purpose: In 2011, at the age of 14, I was sent to the emergency room with a platelet count of 19. The hematologist diagnosed me…Abstract Number: 0410 • ACR Convergence 2020
Exploring Gene Expression Profile of Primary Central Nervous System Vasculitis
Background/Purpose: Primary CNS vasculitis (PCNSV) is an uncommon and poorly understood disease that affects the brain and spinal cord. It includes heterogeneous histopathological patterns, clinical…Abstract Number: 0978 • ACR Convergence 2020
Border-associated Macrophages Drive Recruitment of Immune Cells into the Choroid Plexus in Mice with Neuropsychiatric Lupus
Background/Purpose: Neuropsychiatric manifestations are observed in 20-40% of systemic lupus erythematosus patients, including cognitive deficits and affective behaviors such as anxiety and depression. Neuropsychiatric lupus…Abstract Number: 1747 • ACR Convergence 2020
Brain fMRI Predicts Responses to Certolizumab Pegol in RA. an International, Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial (PreCePRA)
Background/Purpose: Personalization of RA treatment is not optimal due to lack of predictors. We previously demonstrated in RA patients that central nervous system (CNS) pain…