Abstract Number: 2298 • ACR Convergence 2023
SLE Patients Are at High Risk for Tuberculosis Infection: Data from a Lupus Center of an Endemic Country
Background/Purpose: SLE patients are at high risk for tuberculosis (TB) infection especially in endemic countries. Despite the importance of this infection condition, there are still…Abstract Number: 2455 • ACR Convergence 2023
Addressing Native American Health Disparities in Rheumatoid Arthritis by Training Primary Care Providers: Expanding the Reach of the RAE Initiative
Background/Purpose: The United States faces a critical shortage of rheumatology providers. This shortage is especially dire in rural areas, such as Navajo Nation, where primary…Abstract Number: 0170 • ACR Convergence 2023
Gender Equity Amongst Rheumatology Professionals: Preliminary Findings of the Coalition for Health and Gender Equity E-survey (CHANGE Group)
Background/Purpose: There is growing attention to gender inequity within rheumatology with persistent challenges in achieving pay parity, career progression, & access to leadership roles. In…Abstract Number: 0758 • ACR Convergence 2023
Clinical and Biological Characteristics of Children and Adults Affected with Still’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Informing the 2023 EULAR/PReS Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Adult-onset Still’s Disease
Background/Purpose: Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) and adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) are part of the non-familial (sporadic) systemic inflammatory disorders and are frequently mentioned as…Abstract Number: 0763 • ACR Convergence 2023
Sticking the Landing: A 3-Year Qualitative Longitudinal Study on Navigating Transitions in Pediatric Rheumatology Fellowship
Background/Purpose: Transitions present many challenges for medical trainees, and a lack of preparedness for these transitions is associated with negative outcomes, including higher rates of…Abstract Number: 0764 • ACR Convergence 2023
An Atypical ClassRheum: RheumMadness, a Collaborative Rheumatology Competition Building Knowledge and Community
Background/Purpose: To evaluate the evolving impact of RheumMadness, an online educational tournament of competing rheumatology concepts, over three years by describing changes in participant engagement,…Abstract Number: 0993 • ACR Convergence 2023
Successful Implementation of a New Patient Video Triage Program
Background/Purpose: Many factors contribute to long wait times for new patient rheumatology visits including the increasing number of rheumatology referrals and new patient visits. Through…Abstract Number: 1001 • ACR Convergence 2023
Distance Not Travelled in a Tele-Rheumatology Shared Care Model: Leveraging the Expertise of an Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC)-trained Extended Role Practitioner (ERP) in Rural-remote Ontario
Background/Purpose: A shortage of Rheumatologists has led to gaps in inflammatory arthritis (IA) care in Canada. Amplified in rural-remote communities, the number of Rheumatologists practicing…Abstract Number: 1010 • ACR Convergence 2023
Advanced Clinician Practitioners in Arthritis Care: A Workforce Profile
Background/Purpose: The Advanced Clinician Practitioner in Arthritis Care (ACPAC) Program is a post-licensure, competency-based academic and clinical educational program that prepares physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses,…Abstract Number: 1011 • ACR Convergence 2023
A Rheumatology Model of Care Re-design: Integrating the Advanced Practice Provider
Background/Purpose: There is a lack of guidance surrounding integration of Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) into specialty practices utilizing interprofessional Models of Care (MoC). Due to…Abstract Number: 1090 • ACR Convergence 2023
Improved Patient and Team Satisfaction and Pharmacy Outcomes After Implementing a Rheumatology Clinical Pharmacist in a Large Academic Medical Center
Background/Purpose: We embedded a clinical pharmacist into our university rheumatology clinics beginning in June 2022 to improve patient experience and reduce provider burden based on…Abstract Number: 2064 • ACR Convergence 2023
Perceptions of Rheumatology Fellows on Mentorship Quality After Implementation of a Formalized Mentorship Program
Background/Purpose: Despite the importance of mentorship, there are few formalized mentorship organizations in fellowship training programs. Rheumatology is a field with increasing popularity[1], and mentorship…Abstract Number: 0227 • ACR Convergence 2022
The Rheumatology Workforce: Analyzing Geographic and Temporal Variations Among the Rheumatology Physician Workforce in the United States
Background/Purpose: To analyze recent trends in the rheumatology workforce related to temporal and national geographic variation in the United States (US). Methods: The publicly available physician workforce…Abstract Number: 0238 • ACR Convergence 2022
Educational Experience and Engagement in the First Two Years of RheumMadness, an Online Community of Inquiry
Background/Purpose: RheumMadness, an online educational initiative in which 16 rheumatology concepts compete as teams, completed its second season in 2022. In its first year, RheumMadness…Abstract Number: 0240 • ACR Convergence 2022
Few and Far Between: Addressing the Pediatric Rheumatology Workforce Gap with a Spotlight on Medicine-pediatrics Residency Trained Rheumatologist Career Paths
Background/Purpose: The pediatric rheumatology workforce faces a critical shortage. The recent ACR Pediatric Rheumatology Workforce Study projects that by 2030, modest expansion of the 300…