Abstract Number: 806 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Estradiol Levels Are Elevated in Older Men with Diffuse Cutaneous SSc and Are Associated with Decreased Survival
Background/Purpose: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease characterized by excessive extracellular matrix deposition (ECM), leading to dermal and internal organ fibrosis. As in other…Abstract Number: 1715 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Safety and Efficacy of Lenabasum in an Open-Label Extension of a Phase 2 Study in Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis Subjects
Background/Purpose: Lenabasum is a synthetic, non-immunosuppressive, selective cannabinoid receptor type 2 agonist that activates resolution of innate immune responses. Lenabasum had acceptable safety and tolerability,…Abstract Number: 1718 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Skin Gene Expression Profiling Predicts Longitudinal Modified Rodnan Skin Score Change
Background/Purpose: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) causes varying degrees of skin fibrosis with varying trajectory. Extent of skin involvement is measured by the modified Rodnan skin score…Abstract Number: 1719 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
High-Throughput Quantitative Histology in Systemic Sclerosis Skin Disease Using Computer Vision
Background/Purpose: The lack of a reproducible and quantitative method to accurately assess histological skin fibrosis in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) has long plagued clinical…Abstract Number: 2690 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Potential Markers of Skin Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis
Background/Purpose: Skin fibrosis is a hallmark of systemic sclerosis (SSc). There are no widely accepted biomarkers of skin involvement in this condition. Several serum or…Abstract Number: 2663 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Changes in Disability over Time, and Their Relationship with Degree of Skin Thickening, in Patients with Limited and Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Background/Purpose: The burden of disability of systemic sclerosis (SSc) is increasingly recognised. What is less known are the factors driving this disability and how it…Abstract Number: 2776 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Systemic Fibrosis: Pathogenic Role in Bleomycin-Induced Fibrosis Model and Correlation with Disease in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis
Background/Purpose: Fibrosis is the end-result of most inflammatory conditions, but its pathogenesis remains unclear. Studies in patients and animal models suggest a role for T-cells…Abstract Number: 2884 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
A Phase 2 Study of Safety and Efficacy of Anabasum (JBT-101), a Cannabinoid Receptor Type 2 Agonist, in Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
Background/Purpose: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is characterized in part by chronic activation of the innate immune system with fibrosis. Anabasum is a non-immunosuppressive, synthetic, orally administered…Abstract Number: 729 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Clinically Relevant Serum Proteins in Patients with Early Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis
Background/Purpose: The Prospective Registry of Early Systemic Sclerosis (PRESS), an 11 center US cohort study of early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc) patients, was designed…Abstract Number: 732 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Progression of Skin Fibrosis Is Associated with Decline in Lung Function in Patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis: A European Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) Analysis
Background/Purpose: Previously, we have identified short disease duration (≤15 months) and low baseline modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) (≤22/51) as independent predictors of progressive skin…Abstract Number: 764 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Application of a Novel Computational Approach to Identify New Targets and Pathways for Therapeutic Intervention in Scleroderma
Background/Purpose: Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) is a complex autoimmune disease with chronic progressive course and high interpatient variability. It is characterized by inflammation, vascular dysfunction and…Abstract Number: 1018 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Comprehensive Identification of Differentially Methylated Regions Associated with Systemic Sclerosis in Dermal Fibroblasts from African-American Patients
Background/Purpose: The etiology and reasons underlying the ethnic disparities in systemic sclerosis (SSc) remain unknown. African-Americans are disproportionally affected by SSc, yet dramatically underrepresented in…Abstract Number: 1680 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Higher Baseline Monocyte Count Is Associated with More Extensive Skin Involvement and Higher Mortality in Systemic Sclerosis
Background/Purpose: Macrophages are the primary inflammatory cell type present in the systemic sclerosis (SSc) skin. Circulating monocytes can give rise to profibrotic inflammatory cells such…Abstract Number: 1701 • 2017 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Can Durometer Differentiate Limited Versus Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis?
Background/Purpose: The durometer is a handheld device that measures the hardness of a surface. It has been used to measure skin hardness in patients with…Abstract Number: 803 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Multi-Organ RNA-Sequencing of Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) Patients Shows Reproducible Gene Expression Profiles Across Organ Systems
Background/Purpose: While a hallmark of systemic sclerosis (SSc) is skin fibrosis, internal organ involvement is the primary cause of mortality. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH), Interstitial…