Abstract Number: 1218 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Synovial Fluid Culture: Comparison of Two Culture Methods
Background/Purpose: Septic arthritis (SA) is one of the emergencies in rheumatology. This pathology is more common due to the increased usage of artificial joints. Culture…Abstract Number: 1219 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Antibiotic Resistance Trends Among Bacteria Causing Septic Arthritis at One Medical Center between 2002-2016
Background/Purpose: Septic arthritis (SA) is caused mainly by Staphylococcus aureus(S. aureus). Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) SA is increasing and accounts for 25-50% of all S.…Abstract Number: 1216 • 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
To Study the Frequency of Persistent Arthritis, in Patients with Chikungunya Fever, in a Tertiary Health Care Center
Background/Purpose: Chikungunya virus is an alphavirus, belonging to the Togaviridae family. It is transmitted by several species of mosquitoes, with Aedes species being main culprit.…Abstract Number: 1320 • 2016 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Chikungunya Fever Outbreak in Brazil: Preliminary Assessment in a Cohort of Patients with Rheumatological Manifestations
Background/Purpose: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) emerged in Brazil in September 2014. Since then the infection reached epidemic proportions in the country, paticularly in the Northeast region…Abstract Number: 1344 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
The Positive Synovial Fluid Culture: Septic Arthritis or Contamination?
Background/Purpose: Isolation of bacteria from synovial fluid (SF) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of septic arthritis (SA). However, false positive culture results (contamination)…Abstract Number: 1348 • 2015 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Patients with Septic Arthritis Treated without Surgery
Background/Purpose: Septic arthritis (SA) is typically managed with antibiotics and surgery, though nonsurgical management may be appropriate in certain circumstances. Little is known about how…