Session » Vasculitis - Poster I: Large Vessel Vasculitis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica
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Abstract Number: 909
A “Yellow Card” Reporting System for Sight Loss in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 863
Arterial Lesions in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 860
Assessment of the Frequency of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Takayasu’s Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 879
Associated Inflammatory Diseases in Takayasu’s Arteritis: The Many Faces of a Disease
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Abstract Number: 881
Cardiopulmonary Involvement in Takayasu Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 891
Clinal Characterisitics and Diagnosis of Patients with Negative Temporal Artery Biopsy and without a Final Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 904
Clinical Features and Mortality of 411 Chinese Takayasu’s Arteritis Patients
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Abstract Number: 901
Clinical Features of Takayasu’s Arteritis from an Inception Cohort: Early Disease Is Characterized By ‘systemic Inflammation’
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Abstract Number: 870
Contemporary Prevalence Estimates for Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica, 2015
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Abstract Number: 897
Discordance Rates of Bilateral Temporal Artery Biopsies: A Retrospective Analysis
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Abstract Number: 899
Disparities in Disease Characteristics, Treatment Pattern and Comorbidities in 1,858 Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Giant Cell Arteritis or Both Diseases
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Abstract Number: 861
Efficacy of Methotrexate in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 874
Expression and Function of IL-12/23 Related Cytokine Subunits (p35, p40 and p19) in Giant-Cell Arteritis Lesions. Potential Role of p40 in Promoting Th1 -Mediated Pathways
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Abstract Number: 887
Fatigue and Physical Functioning in Patients with Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 892
FDG-PET CT Evaluation By Visual Grading Is Not Sufficiently Discriminative to Assess Disease Activity in Takayasu’s Arteritis Patients with ‘Persistent’ Disease
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Abstract Number: 883
Folate Receptor Beta and Endothelin Receptor Beta Macrophage Subtypes Are Differentially Expressed in the Vascular Compartments of the Intima and Media/Adventitia in Giant Cell Arteritis: A Pilot Study
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Abstract Number: 885
Giant Cell Arteritis and Malignancy – More Than Just a Coincidence?
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Abstract Number: 878
Giant-Cell Arteritis Related Stroke: A Retrospective Multicentre Case-Control Study
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Abstract Number: 890
Health-Related Domains of Importance to Patients with Takayasu’s Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 884
Health-Related Quality of Life in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 902
High Disease Activity Scores and Leptin Levels in Takayasu Patients with Overweight and Obesity
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Abstract Number: 895
Incidence of Osteoporotic Mayor Fractures in a Cohort of Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica
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Abstract Number: 868
Infections and the Risk of Incident Giant Cell Arteritis: A Population-Based, Case-Control Study
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Abstract Number: 871
Interleukin 33 Critically Regulates Angiogenesis and Inflammation in Large Vessels Vasculitis
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Abstract Number: 873
Interleukin-23 Stimulates Inflammatory and Proliferative Pathways in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 858
Is There a Place for Repetitive 18f-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in Giant-Cell Arteritis with Large-Vessel Involvement?
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Abstract Number: 894
Laboratory Tests in Giant Cell Arteritis – Do They Make the Cut?
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Abstract Number: 876
Long Term Efficacy of Ustekinumab for the Treatment of Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 859
Long-Term Outcomes of Renal Artery Involvement in Takayasu Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 869
Low Numbers of CD16+ Monocytes Predict Shorter Time to Relapse in Polymyalgia Rheumatica
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Abstract Number: 872
New Insights into the Pathogenesis of Giant Cell Arteritis through a Genome-Wide Association Study
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Abstract Number: 875
Pericardial Involvement in Biopsy-Proven Giant-Cell Arteritis (GCA) Patients Detected By CT Angiography (CTA): Prevalence at Diagnosis and Outcome with Glucocorticoid (GC) Treatment
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Abstract Number: 866
Perivascular Inflammation in Temporal Artery Biopsies That Are Negative for Arteritis: Incidental or Harbinger?
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Abstract Number: 880
Pilot Study of Microbubble Contrast-Enhanced Vascular Ultrasonography: A Novel Method of Detecting Large Vessel Vasculitis?
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Abstract Number: 905
Platelet Activation, As Measured By Plasma Soluble Glycoprotein VI, Is Not Associated with Disease Activity or Ischaemic Events in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 882
Polymyalgia Rheumatica Activity Score without C-Reactive Protein
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Abstract Number: 865
Poor Predictive Value of Isolated Adventitial and Periadventitial Infiltrates in Temporal Artery Biopsies for Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 893
Preliminary Results of a Multi Modal Imaging Study Suggests a Better Accuracy for the Diagnosis of Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 888
Prevalence of Takayasu Arteritis in Young Women Presenting with Acute Ischemic Heart Disease
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Abstract Number: 856
Rho Kinase Ezpression in Giant Cell Arteritis: Validating Perm Intensity Score As a Method of Increasing Sensitivity of Temporal Artery Biopsy
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Abstract Number: 896
Risk for Cardiovascular Disease in Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica
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Abstract Number: 877
Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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Abstract Number: 907
Rituximab in Patients with Takayasu Arteritis: A Single Center Experience on Five Patients
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Abstract Number: 864
Takayasu Arteritis Developed over the Age of 40 Has Lower Levels of Interferon Gamma and Interleukin 17 at Disease Onset and Fewer Subsequent Relapses
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Abstract Number: 903
Temporal Arteritis: Is There Any Correlation Between Ultrasonographic Arterial Wall Involvement and the Inflammatory Cellular Infiltrate at Histological Examination?
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Abstract Number: 867
Termination of Tocilizumab-Treatment in Giant Cell Arteritis: Follow-up of Patients after the RCT ( registration number: NCT01450137)
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Abstract Number: 900
The Phenotype of Macrophages in the Inflamed Vascular Wall of Giant Cell Arteritis Resembles the Phenotype of Non-Classical Monocytes
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Abstract Number: 889
The Utility of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Predicting Disease Activity in Patients with Takayasu’s Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 898
Treatment and Outcome of Patients with a Diagnosis of Healed Arteritis on Temporal Artery Biopsy
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Abstract Number: 906
Treatment with Methotrexate and Risk of Relapses in Patients with Giant Cell Arteritis in Clinical Practice
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Abstract Number: 857
Ultrasound Cut-Off Values for Intima-Media Thickness of Temporal, Facial and Axillary Arteries in Giant Cell Arteritis
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Abstract Number: 862
Utility of 18f FDG Positron Emission Tomography (PET) As a Diagnostic Test and Marker of Disease Activity in Large Vessel Vasculitis
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Abstract Number: 908
Utilization of Multiple Acute Phase Proteins and Biomarkers for Giant Cell Arteritis – Insight into Diagnosis and Clinical Complications